Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Broccoli Salad

Broccoli is known as “Crown Jewel of Nutrition” for its Vitamin-Rich, High in Fiber, and Low in Calorie properties.

Broccoli has multiple Cancer-fighting properties including Vitamin-C, Beta Carotene, and Fiber. It is also rich of Phytochemical which offer us protection against certain cancer and heart disease. Indole Carbinol and Sulforaphane are two different phtochemicals that are found in Broccoli.

Vitamins in Broccoli: A, B2, B6, C, K and Folate.
Minerals in Broccoli: Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc.
Chemicals present in broccoli protect against lung cancer. It protects against stomach cancer.
Consumption of broccoli was strongly associated with a reduced risk of heart and cancer problems.

Learnt From:

I learnt this salad from my friend Archana’s Blog. Her site address is

Unlike protein, carbohydrates and fats, vitamins do not yield usable energy when broken down. But making Broccoli like this will not break the vitamins and we can get the full benefit out of it.

Thank you for posting this nice recipe Archana.


Preparation Time: 10 minutes.
Cooking Time: 7 minutes (on Medium-High Heat)
Total Time: 17 minutes

Serving for:

2 people.


Broccoli --- 1 Floret medium size
Water --- 1 cup
Salt --- as per taste
Butter --- small piece
Curd --- ½ cup
Red Chilly powder --- 1 tsp


Clean and Chop Broccoli into small florets.
In a pan add chopped broccoli florets, one cup of water and enough salt to the broccoli.
Stir occasionally
Keep it on medium-high heat for 7 minutes.
Transfer the florets to a serving bowl with the help of spoon.
Add butter when the florets are hot.
Let the butter melt.
Add curd and red chilly powder onto the broccoli.
Mix it well.
Ready to serve.

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